J-Global Institute

Sharing Japanese management methods more inclusively for global success

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J-Global Institute was founded to help global organizations better achieve their goals and achieve useful synergies – especially via collaboration between Japanese and overseas colleagues and partners. The institute itself a collaboration between top consultants, academics, trainers and coaches, to supply together the best and most passionate support in each expert’s field.

Foreign capital companies need more Japanese staff to become global leaders. They  could actively contribute more to global research and best-practice sharing, and more Japanese could be promoted upwards and transferred around the world to other global offices. To support early steps, such companies’  systems could in some key ways move closer to Japanese culture, combining the best of Japanese and overseas head office culture

Conversely, Japanese multinationals are increasingly globalizing, and starting to hire more foreigners than Japanese to support overseas markets and localized service. In order to benefit from their efforts and incorporate their smooth collaboration with head office, they need to share and train them to participate effectively and influentially in Japanese management and working style. 

J-Global Institute exists to help both these situations, by supporting overseas businesspeople to better succeed using Japanese management style .

Founder Jon Lynch in Japan has seen many examples of missed opportunities and poor teamwork due to gaps between divisions, and between people of different culture. He  has delivered consulting and training in Japan for over twenty years, as an intercultural facilitator, and now as  Chief Collaboration Officer and CEO of K.K. Tsunago. Jon has seen many excellent experts delivering their services, and now by combining our skills to allow clients to pick just the best services they need, we can deliver the highest quality and most unified custom solution to each client.

Fine-tuning your Collaboration Eco-system

We help organizations achieve their goals via more effectively via collaboration between its staff, lines of business, partners, vendors and customers. These stakeholders, and the skills, systems and processes that support their communication and joint activities, make up its unique ‘collaboration eco-system.’

The J-Global Institute combines the services of many top experts and specialized companies in order to support their exact needs or gaps in this ‘collaboration eco-system.’ Especially to become more inclusive of people from diverse backgrounds and support cross-functional and partnership-oriented business collaboration. For example:

  1. Leadership training and coaching
  2. Groupware, data-driven systems and other cloud solutions
  3. Peer-to-peer best-practice sharing and e-learning
  4. Competitive strategy and internal communication
  5. Intercultural communication training
  6. Cross-functional collaboration skills
  7. Sales, marketing, operational and research skills
  8. Human resource and organizational development

To best combine the knowhow of all these experts in inter-related fields we launched a collaborative business school (J-Global Institute) to co-promote open seminars and introduce participants to each others’ programs.

We are also working to release a best-selling business book together collaboratively, with a module provided by each top expert, to help organizations tune up their collaboration ecosystems. If you are a consultant, coach or trainer in these areas,, please contact Jon Lynch in our Japan office to find out how we can work together.  (info@ www.jglobalinstitute.org)